Thursday, July 30, 2015

They're here!

The Summer team has arrived and it looks to be a very busy week! 
Today was our first full day with the team. We met them after breakfast at Streha and had a time of prayer and worship. Then we split off into groups to begin preparations for the Bible Blast we will be hosting tomorrow night. We taught them the songs we've learned in Albanian and they practiced the skits. After this Rudina, our amazing translator arrived to teach the summer team a few greetings.
She also gave us a lesson on culture. It was an awesome presentation. After the team had all learned how to say their names and where they are from we headed out to dinner. Once again it took a very large table to seat us all.  
We spent a few hours fellow shopping before regrouping at the church. Although some of us stopped for coffee first.
Then, from there we split into two groups and went to lead worship in the city. Half of us went to the Kristal center and the other half went to a neighborhood park. All of us had fliers to hand out to the children for the Bible Blast were hosting.
However, those that went to the park were able to mister mostly to an older generation. They had the opportunity to pray for several people and invited many people to Streha .
Those that went to the Kristal center ministered mostly to children. There is always a rather large group of kids located here and they always enjoy the music when we're there.
Hopefully we will see a few of their faces tomorrow night so we can share the love of Jesus with them! After this we all met back at the church to encourage one another  and give praise reports of what God had done. We prayed to end out the night and then the team headed back to their hotel.
We ask for those you reading to pray for health and strength. The enemy is hitting hard with sicknesses and exhaustion in attempts to prohibit the Lord's work. We know though, that our God is stronger and greater! 
Today was a great first day and were only on day one! 
Thank you for reading! 

Friday, July 24, 2015


I've struggled over the past few weeks, wondering on how to put into the words the work that God has been doing this Summer. I think the problem was that I was too concerned of writing interesting, fantastic and supernatural happenings. Really though, what has occurred over the duration of these weeks is something much more special. We have formed relationships. We have grown to know the neighborhood and see how God can use the smallest of gestures to make a difference. We weren't out street witnessing everyday. We didn't stand on the street corners and hand out fliers for the church every evening. We were living day to day life in Tirana and with this comes a slower pace. So yes, God has been working, although it hasn't been in exactly the way I had thought it would be. It has indeed been different but seeing life in this country through the eyes of the people has been an experience I believe we will all treasure. We can relate with the woman who carries her groceries uphill everyday. We can relate to the children that are sitting out in the shade to escape the crazy summer sun. We can somewhat understand what they go through to an extent now. This then opens the doors to make friends, build bonds and minister in a new way. 

We go out every Friday morning to pick up trash in the neighbor hood and the people in our community have watched curiously and questioned our intentions. Then they talk with us, a few have joined in and eventually we become known as the crazy Americans who run a church and pick up our trash. Although, they also know they can talk to us and expect a smile and kind word. We also do worship in our community every week. Our neighbors now look forward to this and when we miss a day at least one will question if it will continue. Over time we have established a children's outreach that we hold every Saturday morning. Not very many children come but there are a few that steadily have been attending and they in turn are sharing with their friends what they have learned. On Tuesday nights we began a School of Worship so the kids here could learn guitar, drumming, and what worship is really about. The kids that the Lord has brought to us to teach are a generation, albeit small, of worshipers that are curious and hungry to learn more. Thursday afternoons we hold an English Club at the church for the kids in our neighborhood, just so we can get to know them better. We hope to eventually turn this into a youth group and it is obvious that God has great plans for these youth that have attended regularly. 

There is so much more I could list as to the days we have spent here. In a whole though,my point is this. What we have really been sent here for is to let the people of this community, the Grimes and those we've met along the way, know that we came to encourage them, grow relationships and lovingly share Christ with them. It has also been showing us how simply we can do this. It doesn't take miraculous healings, large crowds, or flashy events. Rather it has simply taken the ability to listen, uplift, and see others as Christ would. As we have been walking in Christ, He has over time walked others into ours lives to minister to. Each smile, hello, invitation and inquiry has had an effect and I think this can be an important principle to hold to as we leave in two weeks. No matter where we are, whether home in California or here in our new home, Tirana, we must be mindful of the effects we are having. God has been causing Streha to flourish. We have been privileged to experience and meet these people along the way.
 The team arrives on Tuesday and I know the Lord has great plans for that week. Our time here though, of learning how to be an Albanian and relate to the people has been precious. Thank you for being patient for this post as I was gathering my thoughts. I hope to write more as the team arrives. 
Shume Bekime!
(Many blessings!)
-Emily Maloney