Thursday, October 30, 2014

So, we've come to this..Thursday.

Today was our last full day here in Albania and it was also a little less busy. I know that I woke up with a heavy heart but a heart full of anticipation. This city has impacted all of our lives permanently and oh, how precious this time has been. 

Before breakfast several of us walked to our new favorite coffee shop, Mulliri I Vjeter, one last time. Early morning coffee adventures are always splendid. 
We started breakfast earlier today.  I must say, it was slightly bittersweet knowing those would be my last Albanian chocolate chip pancakes for quite a while. Its probably a good thing that there will be separation from these, if I'm being honest.

 After breakfast we gathered on the roof of the Stevens Center and worshipped together.
During which a woman came on the roof and asked us to pray for her son who had cerebral pasly. We were able to pray over him and his family. 

Random acts led by the Holy Spirit make for amazing moments. An example along with this is as we walked, Brienn, Carol and Rion all stopped because they felt they needed to pray for a young man. They were able to pray for him and encourage him. Rion gave him this challenge and request, "smile at the next person you see and tell them Jesus loves you." I challenge you in this as well! 

After this we walked down to the square where Aleks church is and from there we split off. Both groups walked to seperate Roma communities and brought them Jesus food and much love. 
We didn't have long with them, but you could see the thankfulness on their faces.

It really puts things into a new perspective when you see someone gain so much joy from one small gift or even our attention and compassion. We played some music and in one of the groups there was the opportunity for the gospel to be shared. We all made new friends

However, my group met some extra special friends
                  Albanian Turkeys!!!
Once we had given all of the food we had with us we stopped for a snack and some coffee. See snack below. 

After coffee we had some time for some souvenir shopping and fellowship.   
It brought out some of the guy's sassiness. 

After this we took taxis to Streha and had our last time of worship together while in Tirana. It was awesome to hear the testimonies of everyone and listen to all God did in each of us in just nine days! 

We were able to pray over the Grimes and one of our awesome translators, Rudina. She has been such a blessing on this trip! Many people were reached through her gifting as well as all the rest of our terrific translators. We most certainly could not have done all we did without them. Thank you so much! 

Afterwards we all hiked over to the Grimes house and ate dinner together. We ate Jesus Food and it was delicious!

Then we had some very tasty desserts and once we were all quite full and very satisfied we said our goodbyes. It was a sad moment as we said goodbye to Hope, Julie and Claire but we know we will see them again soon! From there we went to what is known as the Sky Tower to get a very good last view of this city we have all fallen in love with. 
Tomorrow we fly to Rome and are all very excited to tour there but I know we will miss Tirana immensely. 
I hope you have enjoyed hearing of all our happenings over these past few days! Check soon to read about our adventures in Rome! 

Until we meet, I write, you read, again!

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